It starts to get colder and we are going to have another season where the common cold is a frequent problem. Although it is not a serious illness, it is a very uncomfortable situation for the child and the family. Everyone would love for there to be a “magic” remedy for the common cold. Unfortunately, there is nothing better than our grandmothers' recipe: patience and chicken broth!

Colds are produced by a multitude of different viruses (Everything is a Virus!)  and, for this reason, an effective vaccine has not yet been developed. The flu vaccine is excellent and protects against a type of virus, the Influenza virus, which produces a more serious illness than the common cold. Because we use the words flu and cold interchangeably, we might get the impression that the flu shot is supposed to protect against the common cold. It does not protect, but it must be given because it protects against a disease that can be more serious, the flu.

The common cold can produce a series of symptoms in children:

– runny nose (runny nose)

– irritation

- tiredness

- fever

- cough

– inappetence

In general, it takes between 3 and 8 days to heal, and some symptoms, such as cough, can persist for more days, without this, in itself, representing a problem.

What to do when your child has a cold? The most important thing is to know that there is no specific medication that cures the cold and that many symptomatic medications either have no effect or can be harmful. Never medicate your child before consulting your pediatrician. Some measures are very important:

offer plenty of fluids to the child, keeping them hydrated and favoring the fluidization of secretions. Fluid secretions are more easily eliminated.

do not force feed. If your son or daughter doesn't want to eat while they have a cold, don't panic. Even if you lose a little weight, you will gain it back later.

use saline solution in the nose. Recent research shows that this simple measure helps to make the child more comfortable and eliminate the virus more quickly. The ideal is to "wash" the nostrils, instead of dripping drops! For this, there are packages that make a spray with saline solution. But, squeezing the dropper vigorously also works. Do this nostril wash about four times a day.

in case of fever above 38º, with feeling unwell, use the antipyretic that the child is used to or consult your pediatrician.

hot foods seem to offer more comfort and even “calm down” the cough. In fact, good old chicken stock has its place of honor during a cold. But, an apple or potato puree can also be interesting options.

leave your son or daughter at home. It seems like an obvious recommendation, but many parents want to maintain a normal routine, even when faced with a cold. Respect a little the new rhythm of the child, more tired and irritated.

have a lot of patience. Colds are very annoying and demand, from parents, extra attention and care that tires and can even irritate.

I would love to be able to teach you a simple, inexpensive solution that does not harm the child and quickly cures the cold. Unfortunately, such a solution does not exist. No remedy offered for sale today is effective in treating colds. And symptomatic drugs have side effects. For this reason, in some countries like the USA, they are prohibited before the age of two.

If I don't have a solution, I can try to help you by answering your questions. Send your comments, they will be welcome.see more
