How to lower baby fever?

 How to lower baby fever?

Check out the best ways!

How to lower baby fever? We know that this is a worrying issue, especially for first-time parents who don't have much information about what to do. However, a fever is also a sign that the body is fighting an infection and the immune system is working the way it should!

In today's post, Likluc will teach you, once and for all, how to lower your baby's fever , what actions to avoid and when to seek medical help. Check out techniques that will help reduce your child's fever in a quick, simple and safe way!

Xô Fever – Refreshing Water-Based Adhesive Compress

Shoo Fever is one of the main baby care items today! He is a much more practical option than compresses with cloths . Composed of a gel, it is formulated with water, helping not only to reduce fever but also to reduce the discomfort caused by it – headaches, swelling from insect bites and even reduces the pain of the vaccine . 

He is, without a doubt, the best option of all when it comes to relieving the baby's fever. Check out its positives:

  • Its touch is refreshing and acts through thermal exchange, which guarantees relief from the malaise caused by fever;

  • Ready to use, just paste in the desired location;

  • Lasts up to 8 hours.

Cold Water Compresses

Cloth compresses to reduce fever are a trick used since the time of our grandmothers! They chose soft cloths and ran them under tap water. This is because the use of very cold water could cause injuries and burns to the babies' skin, especially on the face, where it was much more sensitive.

The cloth can be placed both on the forehead and on the wrists, being necessary to change it as you feel that it has become warm – in this, Shoo Fever proves to be more advantageous, as it is long-lasting. To learn more about  fever compresses , check out our post!

They are a real help when the child is not feeling well and needs to be taken care of due to the high temperature his body is in. They will help the temperature start to drop little by little and refresh your baby's face!

Warm Bath

Many parents are mistaken in thinking that the fever will be cut with a bath in cold water. This will only cause even more discomfort for the child as there is a temperature shock. Choose to give the child a warm bath, neither hot nor cold. She will feel much better, we guarantee!

Complete Rest

When we have a fever, our body becomes soft and we are very unwilling to carry out any daily activity, with children it is no different. Let your child rest in a well-ventilated place and remove all excess clothing. Leave it cool and comfortable.


Comfort is a fundamental part so that the child does not feel so much discomfort that was caused by the unwanted fever. Therefore, try to leave him alone, watching a program on television or playing with quiet things, such as drawing and painting.


Due to the malaise, your little one won't feel like eating, so don't force him! Offer him cold drinks , such as orange, tangerine or lemon juice. This will keep him hydrated and the fruits will carry all the vitamins he needs at the moment.


If the baby is still breastfeeding, this act can help him fight the fever too! Breast milk can provide antibodies  to fight the infection, helping you stay hydrated and easing the muscle aches brought on by a fever.

All these steps mentioned are the most recommended to be done. Below we will show you a very frequent doubt, but very negative in the fight against fever!

Can You Put Alcohol To Lower The Fever?

Not! Alcohol is strictly prohibited in such cases. Although this is a fairly common practice, it is not recommended at all. Alcohol has substances that can cause burns on the child's skin, it can be absorbed or inhaled, causing intoxication in the child's body. This intoxication can be fatal, so don't resort to the famous sock with alcohol!

What Not To Do In Children With A Fever

  • Dress the child in more clothes or cover him with a bunch of blankets;

  • Medicating without the consent of a pediatrician;

  • Insisting that she must eat food against her will;

  • Stop breastfeeding him;

  • Do not take the baby out in public or send him to daycare;

  • Do not allow her to have a proper rest.

Now that you know everything about how to bring down a fever and what not to do, see how to identify a febrile state in children.

How Do I Know If My Child Has A Fever?

To find out if your child is in a feverish state, use a thermometer, no measuring with your hands, see. Only the device will be able to know exactly how many degrees its temperature is. A feverish state begins at 37.4°C . A valuable tip is to leave the thermometer on for a few more seconds after the beeping, so you know exactly how high the fever is.

When using the thermometer, keep in mind that it is considered a fever if:

  • 38°C or higher when taken rectally;

  • 37.4°C or higher when measured in other areas such as the ear or forehead.

Another big mistake is to assume that the feverish state is just a tooth eruption. If the fever persists, consult the child's pediatrician! Don't wait for the situation to get worse, notify a professional quickly to find out the real cause of this fever.

Also check out the tips on how to know if the baby has a fever.

How To Measure Temperature In The Safest Way?

The most reliable way to take a baby's temperature is rectally . See and learn how to do it correctly with these super simple and practical steps!

  1. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer (do not use the glass ones!);

  2. Place the baby on its side or on its stomach;

  3. Gently insert only the thermometer bulb into the anal orifice.

Don't force the thermometer , if there is resistance from the little one, wait for him to go into deep sleep and he won't feel anything! see more
