5 tips to lower your baby's fever


5 tips to lower your baby's fever

If you are a first-time mother, you will certainly feel distress if your baby's temperature rises .

The first thing you should know is that fever is not an illness , it is the body's natural reaction to

defend itself against infections.


The normal temperature of the human body is 37°C, so it is very important that you consult a specialist if your baby is 38°C or more . You should know that some children may have an increase in fever even with mild illnesses.


How to identify it?

  • The cheeks become uncharacteristically red.

  • baby cries a lot.

  • His tongue is dry and he cries without tears.

  • Feels down or irritable.


If you have the impression that your child has a fever, do not rely on the temperature of your hands

as a point of reference: use your lips on the baby's forehead and then measure its temperature ,

with the help of a thermometer, to find out the value. exactly. 

How to lower the baby's fever?

  • Keep the room cool where your baby is.

  • Remove excess clothing , you can leave it only in a diaper.

  • To cover it you can use a sheet or thin blanket.

  • Keep your baby hydrated by offering the breast most of the time.

  • Place damp cloths on your forehead or take a warm shower.

See your pediatrician immediately if:

  • It is difficult to wake your baby or he does not wake up.

  • Realize that he is having trouble breathing.

  • Convulse.

  • If dark red or purple spots appear on the skin.

  • Have excessive vomiting or diarrhea.

You can try to lower the fever, but if the baby's temperature goes up and down several times during a 24-hour period, seek the help of the pediatrician so that your child receives the appropriate treatment. Remember that it is very important that you do not give your child medication if it has not been prescribed by your healthcare professional.see more
