Nebulizer used in children


Nebulization in children: how to do it correctly

For children with respiratory complaints such as asthma, bronchitis and the flu, this period brings many discomforts, including wheezing, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. One way to alleviate symptoms and discomfort is to perform nebulization.Keep your baby warm during the winter.But even if it seems like a simple practice, nebulizing requires some care, even more so in times of a pandemic. Pediatrician Flávio Melo recommends avoiding nebulization in clinics and hospitals and draws attention to the use of serum during practice: many parents store the product improperly and do not pay attention to its validity. Next, pediatrician and pediatric pulmonologist Ludmila Domingues, from Eludicar Centro Pediátrico, in São Paulo, explain how nebulization should be performed to promote improvements in the child's respiratory complaints. Check out.

What is nebulization?

Nebulization consists of receiving a solution – serum or medication – by inhaling the steam generated by the nebulizer device. This equipment turns aqueous solutions into a cloud of very fine particles, aerosols, which are inhaled directly into the lungs through a mask or mouthpiece. The number of nebulizations per day may vary according to the needs of each child.

What is nebulization used for?

Nebulization is usually indicted by doctors for the relief of symptoms in children related to respiratory diseases such as cough, shortness of breath and wheezing. As they humidify the airways, they make the secretions more fluid, facilitating their excretion, and thus helping to unclog the airways and, therefore, to breathe better.

Pediatric pulmonologist Ludmila Domingues, from Eludicar Centro Pediátrico, in São Paulo, says that nebulization is an important way to administer saline solution, with the aim of humidifying the airways, especially in colds and flu. “Nebulization is an excellent method of treatment, its purpose is to take a liquid content – ​​solution or suspension – in mist or aerosol throughout the airway”, comments the doctor. She points out, however, that the recommendation for nebulization should come from the pediatrician who will know how to indicate the most appropriate treatment according to the child's symptoms.

types of nebulizers

There are three basic types of nebulizer systems that differ in the way they produce the aerosol, classified as compressed air, ultrasonic and new generation. Compressed air devices use a compressor that sends out a powerful jet of air, transforming the serum or liquid medicine into steam. It allows the use of any medication, but it cannot be used lying down and it makes a lot of noise. This mechanism is usually cheaper than the other types.

The ultrasonic inhaler uses high frequency vibrations to turn liquid into vapour. Less noisy, it allows for faster inhalation, however, the cup that stores the liquid solution is disposable, requiring frequent changes. This equipment is more expensive than compressed air devices.

The nebulizer with mesh or vibrating mesh works with vibrations of a mesh (or membrane) with thousands of holes that completely vaporize the serum or medicine used. Small, convenient to carry and silent, it can be used in any position. Requires battery and/or USB cable, which can be plugged in with the same cell phone charger plug. 

Nebulization of children in the pandemic

In this context of a pandemic, pediatrician Flávio Melo highlighted on a social networkthat nebulization should be avoided in clinics and hospitals. But if it is really necessary, the doctor says it can be done in an environment where there are no suspects of Covid-19 and taking due care. The ideal is to nebulize the child in a ventilated place, with effective air circulation. Preference should be given to the use of a mouthpiece instead of a mask and, if possible, to portable membrane nebulizers (vibrating mesh), which do not generate as many aerosols because they do not use compressed air as a source of nebulized aerosol. It is also important that the child is calm, as crying and more forced breathing can induce the formation of aerosols that can carry the coronavirus, if it is present in the environment. When you finish the practice, you need to sanitize the material - mask, tube and mouthpieces - and the environment.

use of serum

There are no contraindications for nebulization with saline solution, which can be used in babies, children and adults and with any type of nebulizer device. However, pediatrician Flávio Melo says that the serum should be used within 15 days after opening, as after that period there is a high chance of bacteria and fungus proliferation. Attention is also needed to the temperature of the serum: if used right after being removed from the refrigerator, when it has a temperature around 10 degrees, it may increase the child's nasal congestion, as well as trigger a mild bronchospasm (contraction of the airways) in children more susceptible, such as those who have respiratory allergies or airway hyperreactivity. Flávio recommends taking the saline solution out of the fridge and waiting for it to come to room temperature. For those who live in cold places,

When to perform a nasal wash

Nasal wash is indicated to relieve nasal obstruction. It promotes hydration and cleaning of the upper airways, and prevents the accumulation of substances that can irritate or increase the risk of infections. To unclog the nose at home, you can use the nasal wash technique with saline solution. nostril and exit through the other, eliminating the existing secretion at the site.

Read aslo: Flu,cold,asthma,covid-19:How to distinguish the symptoms?

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