How are Treatment of pneumonia?

Treatment of pneumonia: how is it done

at home and in the hospital?

Pneumonia is a disease that affects the lungs, causing a generalized infection that can be caused by various reasons. The severity of the illness ranges from mild to life-threatening. However, what is the most appropriate treatment for pneumonia in each case, since the disease can affect people of all ages?

Next, you will understand more about the disease and what is the pneumonia treatment given by doctors. Follow!

What is pneumonia?

The infection happens due to the presence of some foreign component that penetrates the respiratory system, reaching the alveolar space. In view of this, an intense inflammatory reaction is provoked, as a way for the organism to expel the invading element. Generally, the inflammatory process is triggered by a virus or bacteria, however, other irritating agents can also cause the problem, such as fungi and allergic reactions. 

It is from the alveoli that gas exchange occurs during breathing, bringing oxygen into the bloodstream and removing carbon dioxide to be expired. Therefore, inflammation in this tissue is dangerous, as it directly affects the basic function of survival.

What are the causes?

Many bacteria and fungi present in the air, especially in  winter , can cause the disease, the most common being bacterial pneumonia, whose treatment is based on medication. Viral pneumonia, on the other hand, can be cured spontaneously.

In general, the disease is caused by other health problems, such as a sore throat and the flu. In people with strong immune systems, pneumonia is easily controlled. Already in debilitated individuals, it tends to manifest itself in a more aggressive way.

What are the risk factors?

Pneumonia can affect anyone, however, children up to 2 years old and individuals over 65 are more susceptible to contracting the disease. Also, there are other cases in which it is possible to contract the disease:

  • hospitalization — people admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU), especially those using ventilators;

  • chronic diseases—asthma, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);

  • smoking - cigarette damages the body's natural defenses;

  • low immunity — patients with AIDS, transplanted and undergoing chemotherapy.

What are the symptoms?

Knowing how to identify the signs of pneumonia is key to treating and curing the disease more effectively. The main symptoms are:

  • high fever (above 38°);

  • cough and shortness of breath;

  • yellowish discharge;

  • chest pain when breathing;

  • nausea and vomiting;

  • diarrhea;

  • weariness .

How is pneumonia treated?

​If pneumonia is caused by bacteria, treatment is done with medication, which lasts about two weeks. Already in the first days, the fever tends to lower, as the levels of toxins in the blood decrease. The other symptoms disappear over time.

If pneumonia is viral, control is symptomatic. That is, symptoms are treated until the patient's body is strengthened to fight the virus. Treatment is done at home, and there may be hospitalization if there is no positive response from the body.

How is prevention done?

While there are state-of-the-art pneumonia treatments, it's important to know how to prevent the disease. So, follow the tips recommended by pulmonologists:

  • maintain good hand hygiene  ;

  • Do not smoke;

  • strengthen the immune system;

  • keep environments well ventilated;

  • treat colds and flu well.

As you might have seen throughout the article, pneumonia is a disease that must be treated early on in order to avoid serious complications. Therefore, be aware of the symptoms and treat the pneumonia recommended by the doctor, following all the guidelines. Remember that it is important to take care of your health to live well every day! see more
