babies and children

 We give you some tips on every aspect of baby hygiene.


The baby's bath is a moment of interaction and family well-being, but before the established routines it can be associated with some doubts.

The purpose of the bath is to eliminate dirt (organic secretions, ointments, cell debris and dust) and should be done daily or on alternate days.

The environment should be warm and in the newborn it should not last more than 5 minutes, due to the risk of cooling, and it can be extended in older babies according to their wishes. Bathing at the end of the day is generally recommended for its relaxing effect, but it can be adapted to family routines.


Before the bath, make sure you have everything you need:

  • Bathtub with water at around 36/37ºC - you can check the temperature with a thermometer or just if it feels comfortable to the touch

  • Shower gel (neutral pH, without perfume or detergent), compresses and saline solution

  • Complete change of clothes and diaper

  • Bath towel


Before placing the baby in the bath, make sure that the diaper area is clean. You should take the baby with one arm under the torso and hand wrapping the arm furthest from you and the other hand around the baby's bottom, and gently immerse in the water. Wash your face and head first and then your body, soaping from the cleanest to the dirtiest areas. Finish by removing the soap with water and drying the baby on the towel without rubbing. Finally, you can clean the baby's eyes with saline solution and a sterile compress (top to bottom movements) and apply a moisturizing/emollient cream all over the skin.



The umbilical cord undergoes a mummification process that usually leads to its fall within the first two years of life. It should be kept clean and dry, outside the diaper, avoiding bands that compress it. If there are secretions, they should be cleaned with a compress and saline solution, then dried with a dry compress.



Hygiene in the diaper area is extremely important to prevent "diaper dermatitis" or "roasted tail". The diaper should be changed frequently, and always after bowel movements. The diaper area should be cleaned with warm water or a micellar water solution, reserving the wipes for going out. In girls, it is important to clean the genital area from front to back. Once clean and dry, a barrier cream can be applied.



Baby's nails should be kept short to avoid scratches and dirt accumulation. In the first days of life, you should avoid cutting your nails due to the risk of trauma, and prefer to file them with a cardboard file. After the first month of life, you should cut whenever necessary, with scissors with rounded ends or baby nail clippers, opting for moments when the baby is calmer.



The amount of clothes that the baby should wear is a question that often arises in parents, with a natural tendency to excess clothes. In newborns, the difficulty of thermal regulation and greater ease of losing heat means that they necessarily need more layers of clothing. But no exaggeration! A simple and practical rule will be to dress newborns one more layer compared to what adults have to be comfortable, and pay attention to the adequacy of the amount of clothing to the temperature when changing environments. 

Clothing should be comfortable and preferably made of cotton, taking into account the removal of labels that may be in contact with the baby's skin, to prevent irritation. 

Before first use, clothes must be washed. Prefer suitable detergents for baby clothes and wash them separately.

If you want to see more baby products.
